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911 Articles

911 Pictures

911 Timeline

WTC Angels

Pentagon Angels

Flight 11 Angels

Flight 77 Angels

Flight 175 Angels

Flight 93 Angels

911 Police Angels

911 Firefighter Angels

All 911 Angels

Heaven 911

911 Heroes

911 Survivors




Flight 77 Angels

Flight 77 was an American Airlines flight that departed from Dulles Airport near Washingon, D.C., and had a destination of Los Angeles, California.

The plane took off at 8:20 a.m. and crashed into the Pentagon at 9:43 a.m.

64 Angels were on the plane.

We remember and honor each of these precious 64 angels.

We miss them.

We love them.

Kevin Caruso
Founder, Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief
(America is a website.)

Flight Crew:

Charles Burlingame

David M. Charlebois

Michele Heidenberger

Jennifer Lewis

Kenneth Lewis

Renee A. May


Paul Ambrose

Yeneneh Betru

Mary Jane Booth

Bernard Curtis Brown

Suzanne Calley

William Caswell

Sarah Clark

Zandra Cooper

Asia Cottom

James Debeuneure

Rodney Dickens

Eddie Dillard

Charles Droz

Barbara G. Edwards

Charles S. Falkenberg

Zoe Falkenberg

Dana Falkenberg

James Joe Ferguson

Wilson Flagg

Darlene Flagg

Richard Gabriel

Ian J. Gray

Stanley Hall

Bryan Jack

Steven D. Jacoby

Ann Judge

Chandler Keller

Yvonne Kennedy

Norma Khan

Karen A. Kincaid

Dong Lee

Dora Menchaca

Christopher Newton

Barbara Olson

Ruben Ornedo

Robert Penniger

Robert R. Ploger

Lisa J. Raines

Todd Reuben

John Sammartino

Diane Simmons

George Simmons

Mari-Rae Sopper

Robert Speisman

Norma Lang Steuerle

Hilda Taylor

Leonard Taylor

Sandra Teague

Leslie A. Whittington

John D. Yamnicky

Vicki Yancey

Shuyin Yang

Yuguag Zheng

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Copyright © by Kevin Caruso and America America